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(262/308) 1817 - BufferList: the tree view does not work correctly in certain cases

I often open jedit from the console (Git Bash under Windows 7), and since Git Bash convert path like that :

/e/git -> e:/git (or e:\git)

The BufferList fails to correctly recognize the syntax "E:\git" and sometimes put the following tree as seen in attachment "BufferList.png".

=> Under Windows, it should first check for the current path ignoring the case (which is the default on Windows), and replacing "/" separators by "\".

Use case:

- From jEdit, open a file inside "E:\git\<some directory>\<some file>"
- From git bash, open a file using an absolute path, like jedit /e/git/logback.xml (or javaw -jar jedit.jar -reuseview /e/git/logback.xml).


- Windows 7 Professional x64
- Java 1.8.0_45 x64
- jEdit 5.2.0
- BufferList 1.5

Submitted myshforum - 2015-04-22 20:20:13.119000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels BufferList
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2015-04-22 20:20:47.759000

For reference, the options in the Plugin options.

BufferListOptions.png (37.9Kio)